MMag. Dr. David Höden
The self- employed sport scientist and economist wrote his doctoral thesis about injuries, dietary supplements and training habits in triathlon. David has two decades of experience as an athlete in swimming and middle distance running and has won numerous national titles. He published a book called “Schulterschmerzen im Schwimmsport” (“Shoulder pain in swimming”) and a number of papers about swimming and triathlon. David has a teaching position at the “Bundessportakademie Graz”, the “Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften Sport und Gesundheit“ and the „Universitätssportinstitut Graz“ and therethrough regularly shares his knowledge and experience (2 years of research work in AUS, NZL and ESP) with his students. He is state certified as a mental coach, a swimming coach and a triathlon coach and is invited to workshops and to teach at various institutes and companies (BGF) on a regular basis.
Mag. Martin Jandl
Martin works at the “Universitätssportinstitut Graz” and is state certified as a coach in swimming, cross country skiing and triathlon. While studying sports science Martin also competed on an international level as a professional triathlete. After 15 years and numerous ITU and ETU races over the Olympic distance he ended his professional career to work as a medical therapist in a rehabilitation centre. Martin now works as a coach for triathlon research. The knowledge and expertise gained by partaking in numerous international training camps all over the world (among others ESP, ITA, SLO, CRO, GER, AUS und ZAF) ensures the great quality and high standard of his training sessions.